Abstract Submission

Abstract form


Instructions for submitting authors
  • Selection of a session in which you want to place your abstract
  • Title of the presentation
  • List of authors and their affiliations
  • Abstract (max 2200 characters including spaces and references)
Please note that the authors are responsible both for the scientific content and grammar. The abstracts will not be proofread or revised by the organizers.
Authors, who submit their abstracts within standard deadlines, will be notified about the acceptance of their abstracts by 30 June 2025.

All received abstracts are reviewed and evaluated by the International evaluation board. The acceptance of abstract does not imply any financial assistance or fee deduction. The presenting authors are requested to register and pay the Congress registration fee.
Example of abstract

M. Battistelli1, S. Salucci2, C. Squillace2 , E. Olivotto3, S. Pagani3, R. Borzì 3 , A. Facchini3, E. Falcieri2,4
1 1 Lab. of Cell Biology and Electron Microscopy,2 DiSUAN, and 3 Lab. of Immunology and Genetics, University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”, Urbino; 4 Inst. of Molecular Genetics, CNR and Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli, Bologna; Italy.
E-mail: michela.battistelli@uniurb.it

Cartilage diseases and, in particular, osteoarthritis (OA) have been widely correlated to apoptosis, 1 but recently chondroptosis, a type of death with peculiar features typical of cartilage cells, has been reported. 2 Chondrocyte death is here investigate in a human experimental model. Cell death has been induced in chondrocyte micromasses 3,4 from 1 to 3 week with hyperthermia for 1 h at 43°C followed by 4 h recovery, UV-B for 30 min followed by 4 h recovery, 500 nM staurosporine for 24 h 5 all well known apoptotic triggers

1. Johnson EO, et al. J Surg Orthop Adv 2008;17:147.
2. Roach HI, Aigner T. Apoptosis 2004;9:265-77.
3. Battistelli M, et al. Microsc Res Tech 2005;67:286-95.
4. Olivotto E, et al. J Cell Physiol 2007;210:417-27.
5. Battistelli M, et al. Proceedings of 14th European Microscopy Congress, Aachen, p. 239.